Light Flashing again ! [ part 3 ]

more light lines , at a new location. we were just having fun . this is good , the more we do the better we get lol . just chill and relax and enjoy the light lines .

Oh ! Oh ! yea the 2nd one is a hudoken ROFL ( roll on the floor laughing ) . can proudly call it my fav so far ^_^

~{[ Stickers ]}~

Like Graffiti , stickers is also an street art . these images shows our first attempt into the sticker world to bring bahrain a new movement . ~ Let the Chaos of Art begin ~

Demionus's Sticker : { showing a maked face } : the Holiest of armors is worn by the bravest of men

KD's sticker : عين ترى الكل : an eye watching all

eM-De 's sticker :~ eyes on me ~

A view of two stickers between some people near to Bahrain's Gate

the shown pictures are for the 3 stickers on a light on a light just next to Bahrain's gate

Outdoor Light Flashing [1]

The project of playing with light was taken one step forward and now it is even more creative .

PLay wiTh tHe LigHT

We sat one day in a group of 5 and started talking about common and funny things in Manama DQ. Demionus came up with the idea of doing light flashing pictures that night and look at all the Randomness.

Starting with light paintings :